Next Saturday is Ned Fritz Day! Seriously! Officially decreed on a state and local level. So for the next 7 days I’m going to share with you 7 astounding things that Ned (along with his wife Genie) achieved that you benefit from every day. And—heads up!—along the way I’ll beg for money a time or two. Kicking it off later today will be Ned’s defeat of the Trinity Barge Canal.

First, a bit about these graphics. Ned Fritz Day first happened in 1983. Sen. Lloyd Doggett was Senate President Pro Tempore that year and had a day to bestow honorifics as if he was governor. Lloyd Doggett was a recipient of the Ned Fritz-Bob Eckhardt Environmental Champion Award from Texas League of Conservation Voters, so it was a natural. The City of Dallas seconded that notion with an official proclamation.
Let’s make it an annual thing! Make plans next Saturday to hike somewhere that Ned and his colleagues were responsible for preserving. You’ll learn about some of those places this week.